Teaching Environmental Communication Zine
September 01, 2023–January 27, 2024
This zine offers a collection of creations, collaborations, and conversations that exemplify environmental communication praxis. Dr. Catalina de Onís designed and edited this resource, in collaboration with many contributors, whose names and work appear throughout the zine. This project is dedicated to environmental communication teacher-scholar Professor Steve Schwarze.
Contact Info
cdeonis@uoregon.eduAbout the Project
Project Lead
Catalina de Onís
University of Oregon
Jayson Maurice Porter
Brown University
Lina C. Pérez-Angel
Brown University
Alissa Ujie Diamond
University at Buffalo
Lemir Teron
Howard University
Ted Endreny
Ashley Cordes
University of Oregon
Nicolas Hernandez
University of Utah
Danielle Endres
University of Utah
Adrienne Cachelin
University of Utah
Sirena Montalvo
Comité Caborrojeño Pro Salud y Ambiente
Phaedra C. Pezzullo
University of Colorado Boulder
Melanie Brown
BBC Studios
Arturo Sarmiento
Radio Poder
Pilar Egüez Guevara
Comidas que Curan
Madison Jones
University of Rhode Island
Willow Ross
University of Melbourne
Joanne Marras Tate
University of Colorado Boulder
Mathew Sharples
University of Colorado Boulder
Elja Roy
University of Memphis
Sneha Goswami
University of Memphis
Joy Reeves
Duke University
Mark Pedelty
University of Minnesota
Rebecca Dirksen
Indiana University
Yan Pang
Point Park University
Alicia Díaz
University of Richmond
Mary Finley-Brook
University of Richmond
Patricia Herrera
University of Richmond
Mariela Méndez
University of Richmond
Multi-sited, online project
On the Web
Project contributors shared funding information within the zine.