Affiliated Organizations

Organizations that share the society’s interest in furthering the study of all aspects of rhetoric are invited to apply for affiliate status. Affiliate status confers two guaranteed panel slots at the society’s biennial conference and a link on the society’s website to the affiliate organization’s website, if desired.

To apply for affiliate status, an organization should send the society’s Executive Director a letter of application, which should include the organization’s web address (if any), a copy of the organization’s constitution and bylaws, a copy of the most recent issue of the organization’s journal (if any), and a copy of the most recent program for the organization’s conference (if any).

The Executive Director will present the organization’s application to the board of the society at its next meeting after the application has been received. Upon the board’s approval of the application, the Executive Director will send a letter of agreement to the organization spelling out the nature of the relationship and the specific benefits as described above.

All RSA affiliate agreements will be reviewed at five-year intervals by the RSA Board of Directors to determine whether the relationship remains beneficial to both RSA and the affiliate organization.

Please contact Leslie Dinauer, RSA Executive Director, for consideration.

DBLAC Digital Black Lit and Composition

Khirsten L. Scott      
University of Pittsburgh           

GSOLE – Global Society of Online Literacy Educators

Meghan Velez, Affliate Liaison
Embry-Riddle Aeronautic University

Janine Morris, Affiliate Liaison
Nova Southeastern University

ISHR: International Society for the History of Rhetoric

Michele Kennerly
Pennsylvania State University 

JCRC: Jesuit Conference on Rhetoric and ComposItioN

Renea Frey
Xavier University

Klal Rhetorica

Jamie Downing
George College & State University

MLA: Modern Language Association

Paula M. Krebs
MLA Staff, Executive Director

RSE: Rhetoric Society of Europe

Kris Rutten
University of Ghent, Belgium


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