All Awards

Gerard A. Hauser Awards

The Gerard A. Hauser Award is a national award that is presented to outstanding graduate student papers accepted for presentation at the biennial RSA conference. 


In conversation with the IDEA Representative to the Awards Steering Committee and the Chair of the Committee on Committees, the Conference Director / President-Elect of RSA will appoint a four-person Hauser Award selection committee.

  • The Chair of the selection committee will be drawn from the conference planning team. 
  • The other three members of the committee should reflect the diversity of rhetorical studies with regard to rank, institution type, and identity categories.


Currently enrolled graduate students whose proposals are accepted for the conference will be invited to submit a complete version of their conference presentation to be considered for the Hauser award. For the 2026 Conference, submissions were due November 15, 2025.

Each graduate student may submit no more than one essay for consideration for this award at any given RSA conference.


Nominations are reviewed by the Hauser Award selection committee, which recommends winners to the Board for final approval. 

In reviewing nominations for the Hauser Award, the selection committee considers:

  • Significance to rhetorical studies (historical, critical, theoretical, and/or pedagogical),
  • Contribution to the discipline (e.g. expanding, synthesizing, correcting, and/or re-directing previous rhetorical scholarship),
  • quality of research design and execution,
  • ample engagement with germane primary and secondary sources,
  • a clear, accessible, and engaging prose style.
  • The paper’s contribution to the Society’s IDEA and/or social justice values through topic, content, citational choices, and/or framing.

Recipients of the Hauser Award are expected to present their award-winning papers at the Conference to which it was submitted.  Recipients receive a free registration for the conference, a cash prize, and an acknowledgement during a public presentation of the award.  

Conflict of Interest for the Hauser Award

No member of the selection committee may supervise, collaborate with, or otherwise have a close working relationship with any nominees for the award. Members of the selection committee who feel that they are unable to be impartial in judging any nominee will recuse themselves from discussion of that nominee.

Ratified by the RSA Board of Directors May 2004. Amended November 2020


Each nomination must include:

  • The full-length presentation, no more than 12 double-spaced pages (please do not submit full chapter or article drafts)
  • An abstract for the presentation


Please contact the society’s Awards Committee with any outstanding questions about the nomination, submission, or selection processes.

Award Recipients

Bernardita Yunis

2024 Scholarship Recipient

University of Colorado Boulder
Counterstory Narratives of Palestinians to Develop a PalestinianCRT: Critical Race Theory Practices of Transformational Resistance to Erasure 

Alicen Rushevics

2024 Scholarship Recipient

University of Wisconsin- Madison
Resisting Singularity: Reparative Rhetoric, Settler Colonialism, and the Dawn Raids Apology 

Ben Bishop 

2024 Scholarship Recipient

University of Pittsburgh
Gender-Critical Feminism: A Constitutive Rhetorical Analysis 

Cassandra Hightower

2024 Scholarship Recipient

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“I Didn’t Come to Congress To Be Silent”: Race, Gender, and the Squad’s Performance of Dissent

Daniel DeVinney

2022 Scholarship Recipient

University of Illinois
Post-racial Colorwashing: Erasing Blackness from Obama Hope to Big Tech Aesthetics

Sarah Hae-In Idzik

2022 Scholarship Recipient

Northwestern University
“Millions of Orphaned Girls”: Rhetorics of Paternalism in Transnational Asian Adoption


2022 Scholarship Recipient

Carnegie Mellon University
Hermeneutics, Jurisprudence, & (Re)Interpretations of Antimiscegenation Laws


2022 Scholarship Recipient

University of Utah
Autopoietic Critical Rhetoric


2022 Scholarship Recipient

University of Minnesota
The Rhetoric of Employee Wellness: Toward a Model of Anti-Oppression

Zhaozhe Wang

2020 Scholarship Recipient

Purdue University
Activist Rhetoric in Transnational Cyber-Public Spaces

Yebing Zhao

2020 Scholarship Recipient

Miami University
Reflective and Reciprocal Hospitality: ‘Voice’ Dialoguing with Chinese Literary Theory of ‘Wenqi 文气’


2020 Scholarship Recipient

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Focus on the Queers: Benevolent Rhetorics of LGBTQ oppression and the Discourse of Christian Care in Radical Right Politics


2020 Scholarship Recipient

North Carolina State University
Molten Circulation of Plate Tectonics as a Diagram for Rhetoric’s Materiality


2020 Scholarship Recipient

Ohio State University
Rhetoricity at the End of History: Carceral Power and the Neoliberal Gradations of Rhetorical Debility


2018 Scholarship Recipient

University of Pittsburgh
No Eyes Needed: A (Re)Vision of Phantasia 


2020 Scholarship Recipient

University of Arizona
Peace as Proximity: Re-envisioning Israeli-Palestinian Peace in the Viral Cosmopolitan Imaginary

Florianne Jimenez

2018 Scholarship Recipient

University of Massachusetts Amherst
The Sounds of Home: Ambient Sound and Necropolitics in Two NPR Podcasts

Sarah Riddick

2018 Scholarship Recipient

University of Texas Austin
Re-Inventing Audience Engagement through Thorubos Today

Marissa Lowe Wallace

2016 Scholarship Recipient

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Evangelizing the Individual: How “Social Concern” Debate Defined Evangelicalism

Matthew Houdek

2016 Scholarship Recipient

University of Iowa
The Rhetorical Force of “Global Archival Memory”: (Re)Situating Archives Along the Global Memoryscape

Marnie Ritchie

2016 Scholarship Recipient

University of Texas at Austin
Cliché Clusters: Melodrama and the Rhetoric of 9/11 Refrains

Dan Ehrenfeld

2016 Scholarship Recipient

University of Massachusetts Amherst
The Circulation of Rhetoric and the Question of Change: Networks, Systems, and Ecologies on an Historical Timescale

Jenna Hanchey

2014 Scholarship Recipient

University of Texas at Austin
A Play in Two Dimensions: Swahili Youth Magazines and Hadithi za Picha


2014 Scholarship Recipient

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
From Mob Violence to Violence against Women: Lynching Appropriation and the Case of PUMA


2014 Scholarship Recipient

University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
Disabling Counterpublics: Examining Competing Discourses of Autism Advocacy in the Public Sphere

Michaela Frischherz

2012 Scholarship Recipient

The University of Iowa
“Not Gay Enough: Performing Identifications in U.S. Asylum Law”


2012 Scholarship Recipient

University of Iowa
“Visualizing Blight: ‘The Ruins of Detroit’ and the Instability of the Apocalypse”


2012 Scholarship Recipient

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
“The Ego Function of Oppositional Rhetoric Online”

Jennifer A. Keohane

2010 Scholarship Recipient

University of Wisconsin – Madison
“In the Bonds of Woman and the Slave”: Analogy and Collective Identity in Woman’s Rights Discourse 

Rebecca A. Kuehl

2010 Scholarship Recipient

University of Minnesota
(Re)Contextualizing Social Rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Toward a Feminist Theory of Global Citizenship

Kyle Andrew Schlett

2010 Scholarship Recipient

University of Mississippi
Eiromenê and Katestrammenê: A Re-evaluation of Aristotle’s Opposing Styles


2010 Scholarship Recipient

University of Iowa
Publicity and Proposition Eight: The Case of