Conference FAQs

  1. What is the RSA Professional Code of Conduct? in order to maintain a professional and comfortable environment for its members, conference registrants and staff, RSA requires certain standards of behavior. These standards include, without limitation, courtesy of discourse, respect for the diversity of RSA members and conference attendees, and the ability to conduct RSA business and participate in its conference in a nonthreatening, collegial atmosphere. RSA members and conference participants who do not uphold these standards may jeopardize their membership in the Society. Individuals who engage in harassment of other members of RSA or members of the hotel and convention staff will be asked to leave the conference without recompense. If you have any questions about RSA’s professional conduct policy, please contact RSA Executive Director Leslie Dinauer at or the Conference Co-Chair Gwendolyn Pough at
  2. What A/V is available in the session rooms? All rooms will have a projector and screen. You will need to bring your own laptop, and although there will be some adapter cords available, we strongly recommend you bring your own laptop-to-projector HDMI cord, especially if you have a Mac. Rooms named Directors, Governors, and Ballroom will have speakers. Rooms named Plaza Court or in the Tower Mezzanine (Denver, Spruce, Century, Gold, and Silver) wii NOT have speakers nor any audio capability. If you need immediate A/V assistance while at the conference, look for the techs who will be working in each conference area or call the A/V Manager on Duty at 303-596-8189.
  3. Where is the Registration Desk? The Registration Desk will be located down the escalators from the lobby on the Plaza Court level. The Desk will be staffed Thursday 7:00 am – 6:00 pm, Friday 7:00 am – 4:00 pm, Saturday 7:00 am – 4:00 pm, and Sunday 8:00 am – 12:00 am.
  4. Is there a Denver Local Guide? Yes! You will find that here.