All Awards

Charles Kneupper Award

The Charles Kneupper Award, given annually, recognizes the article published in that year’s volume of Rhetoric Society Quarterly that the editorial board and the editor consider the most significant contribution to scholarship in rhetoric. The award is named to honor Charles Kneupper’s contributions to the scholarly mission of RSA.

All articles published in RSQ are considered for the award. Nominations are not necessary.


Please contact the society’s Awards Committee with any outstanding questions about the nomination, submission, or selection processes.

Award Recipients

Suban Nur Cooley

2023 Award

On Being and Becoming Black in a Globally Dispersed Diaspora
RSQ 52:3 (2022) 52.3 pages: 257-269

Kefaya Diab

2022 Award

The Rise of the Arab Spring through a Sense of Agency
RSQ 51:4 (2021) 261-275

José G. Izaguirre III

2021 Award

“A Social Movement in Fact”: La Raza and El Plan de Delano
RSQ 50:1 (2020): 53-68

2021 Kneupper Award Video

Jenell Johnson

2021 Award

Breaking Down: On Publicity as Capacity
RSQ 50:3 (2020): 175-183

2021 Kneupper Award Video

Francesca R. Gentile

2018 Award

Marketing the Talented Tenth: W.E.B. DuBois and Public-Intellectual Economies
RSQ 47 (2017): 131-157

Arthur E. Walzer

2014 Award

Parrēsia, Foucault, and the Classical Rhetorical Tradition
RSQ 43 (2013): 1-21

Kelly Myers

2012 Award

Metanoia and the Transformation of Opportunity 
RSQ 41 (2011): 1–18

James Fredal

2009 Award

Why Shouldn’t the Sophists Charge Fees?
RSQ 38 (2008): 148-170

Karen E. Whedbee

2008 Award

“An English Plato: J. S. Mill’s Gorgias” RSQ 37:1 (Winter 2007).

Jacqueline Bacon and Glen McLish

2007 Award

Descendents of Africa, Sons of ’76: Exploring Early African-American Rhetoric
RSQ 36(2006): 1-29

Patricia Roberts-Miller

2006 Award

Robert Montgomery Bird and the Rhetoric of the Improbable Cause
RSQ 35 (2005): 73-90

Lindal Buchanan

2002 Award

Regendering Delivery: The Fifth Canon and the Maternal Rhetor
RSQ 32 (Fall 2002): 71-73

Robert Hariman and John Lucaites

2001 Award

Dissent and Emotional Management in a Liberal-Democratic Society:
The Kent State Iconic Photograph
RSQ 31 (Spring 2001): 5-32

Gerard A. Hauser

1999 Award

Aristotle on Epideictic: the Formation of Public Morality
RSQ 29 (Winter 1999).

Ellen Quandahl

1997 Award

‘It’s essentially as though this were killing us:’ Kenneth Burke on Mortification and Pedagogy
RSQ 27 (Winter 1997).

Jack Selzer

1996 Award

Kenneth Burke and the Moderns: Counter-Statement as Counter Statement
RSQ 26 (Spring 1996).

Michael Bernard-Donals, Don Bialostosky, Kay Halasek, and James Zebroski

1992 Award

Bakhtin and Rhetorical Criticism: A Symposium
RSQ 22 (Fall 1992).