Charles Kneupper Award
The Charles Kneupper Award, given annually, recognizes the article published in that year’s volume of Rhetoric Society Quarterly that the editorial board and the editor consider the most significant contribution to scholarship in rhetoric. The award is named to honor Charles Kneupper’s contributions to the scholarly mission of RSA.
All articles published in RSQ are considered for the award. Nominations are not necessary.
Please contact the society’s Awards Committee with any outstanding questions about the nomination, submission, or selection processes.
Award Recipients
Sierra Mendez
2024 Award
“With Love from San Antonio: Settler Souvenir Postals and Mass Reproduction of ‘Mexicans’”
RSQ 53:4 (2023) 53.4 pages: 553-580
Suban Nur Cooley
2023 Award
On Being and Becoming Black in a Globally Dispersed Diaspora
RSQ 52:3 (2022) 52.3 pages: 257-269
José G. Izaguirre III
2021 Award
“A Social Movement in Fact”: La Raza and El Plan de Delano
RSQ 50:1 (2020): 53-68
2021 Kneupper Award Video
Jenell Johnson
2021 Award
Breaking Down: On Publicity as Capacity
RSQ 50:3 (2020): 175-183
2021 Kneupper Award Video
Joe Edward Hatfield
2020 Award
The Queer Kairotic: Digital Transgender Suicide Memories and Ecological Rhetorical Agency
RSQ 49 (2019): 25 – 48
K.J. Rawson
2019 Award
The Rhetorical Power of Archival Description: Classifying Images of Gender Transgression
RSQ 48 (2018): 327-351
Francesca R. Gentile
2018 Award
Marketing the Talented Tenth: W.E.B. DuBois and Public-Intellectual Economies
RSQ 47 (2017): 131-157
Heather Lee Branstetter
2017 Award
‘A Mining Town Needs Brothels’: Gossip and the Rhetoric of Sex Work in a Wild West Mining Community
RSQ 46 (2016): 381-409
Timothy R. Dougherty
2016 Award
Lost in TransNation: The Limits to Constitutive Nationalism in the Fenian Movement
RSQ 45 (2015): 346-368
Pamela VanHaitsma
2015 Award
Queering the Language of the Heart: Romantic Letters, Genre Instruction, and Rhetorical Practice
RSQ 44 (2014): 6-24
Arthur E. Walzer
2014 Award
Parrēsia, Foucault, and the Classical Rhetorical Tradition
RSQ 43 (2013): 1-21
Sabrina Marsh
2013 Award
‘The Odds and Ends of Things’: Dorthy Day’s 1930s Catholic Worker Columns and the Prudent Translation of Catholic Social Teachings
RSQ 42 (2012): 330-352
Lisa Zimmerelli
2013 Award
‘The Stereoscopic View of Truth’: The Feminist Theological Rhetoric of Frances Willard’s Woman in the Pulpit
RSQ 42 (2012): 353-374
Susan Romano
2011 Award
‘Grand Convergence’ in the Mexican Colonial Mundane: The Matter of Introductories
RSQ 40 (2010): 71-93
Bryan Crable
2010 Award
Distance as Ultimate Motive: A Dialectical Interpretation of A Rhetoric of Motives
RSQ 39 (2009): 213-239
Karen E. Whedbee
2008 Award
“An English Plato: J. S. Mill’s Gorgias” RSQ 37:1 (Winter 2007).
Jacqueline Bacon and Glen McLish
2007 Award
Descendents of Africa, Sons of ’76: Exploring Early African-American Rhetoric
RSQ 36(2006): 1-29
Christian Lundberg and Joshua Gunn
2006 Award
Ouija Board, Are There Any Communications?’: Agency, Ontotheology, and the Death of the Humanist Subject, or, Continuing the ARS Conversation
RSQ 35 (2005): 83-106
Cheryl Geisler
2006 Award
Teaching the Post-Modern Rhetor: Continuing the Conversation on Rhetorical Agency
RSQ 35 (2005):107-113
Patricia Roberts-Miller
2006 Award
Robert Montgomery Bird and the Rhetoric of the Improbable Cause
RSQ 35 (2005): 73-90
Karen E. Whedbee
2005 Award
Reclaiming Rhetorical Democracy: George Grote’s Defense of Cleon and the Athenian Demagogues
RSQ 34 (2004): 71-95
Bryan Crable
2004 Award
Race and A Rhetoric of Motives: Kenneth Burke’s Dialogue with Ralph Ellison
RSQ 33 (2003): 5-25
Carol Poster
2003 Award
Theology, Canonicity, and Abbreviated Enthymemes: Traditional and Critical Influences on the British Receptions of Aristotle’s RHETORIC
RSQ 33 (Winter 2003): 67-103
Lindal Buchanan
2002 Award
Regendering Delivery: The Fifth Canon and the Maternal Rhetor
RSQ 32 (Fall 2002): 71-73
Robert Hariman and John Lucaites
2001 Award
Dissent and Emotional Management in a Liberal-Democratic Society:
The Kent State Iconic Photograph
RSQ 31 (Spring 2001): 5-32
Jeffrey Walker
2001 Award
Michael Psellos on Rhetoric: A Translation and Commentary on Psellos’ Synopsis of Hermogenes
RSQ 31 (Winter 2001): 5-40
Ekaterina V. Haskins
2000 Award
Mimesis between Poetics and Rhetoric: Performance Culture and Civic Education in Plato, Isocrates, and Aristotle
RSQ 30 (Summer 2000): 7-33
Gerard A. Hauser
1999 Award
Aristotle on Epideictic: the Formation of Public Morality
RSQ 29 (Winter 1999).
Ellen Quandahl
1997 Award
‘It’s essentially as though this were killing us:’ Kenneth Burke on Mortification and Pedagogy
RSQ 27 (Winter 1997).
Jack Selzer
1996 Award
Kenneth Burke and the Moderns: Counter-Statement as Counter Statement
RSQ 26 (Spring 1996).
Michael Bernard-Donals, Don Bialostosky, Kay Halasek, and James Zebroski
1992 Award
Bakhtin and Rhetorical Criticism: A Symposium
RSQ 22 (Fall 1992).